Bean bark


  • 28 ounces refried beans (I use my homemade refried beans--undehydrated)


  1. Pour puddles of blended beans on dehydrator trays covered with Excalibur Paraflexx® sheetsor parchment paper and spread thinly with a spatula. Twenty-eight ounces of blended beans takes up three 15 x 15 Excalibur Dehydrator trays.
  2. Dry at 135° F for 8 hours. Unlike Potato Bark, which dries into a sheet, Bean Bark dries like mud… full of cracks


After about 6 hours or when the bark is dry enough to pull off the trays, flip it over to expose the moister bottom side to the hot air.

Yield: 28 ounces of beans = 3 cups dehydrated, weighing 7 ounces

Serving Suggestion: Bean bark stew

Calories (per cup): 249