
Friday, May 29, 2015

Weather conditions:
High – 86
Low – 69

Dear diary,

Guess what? We passed the half way point today! Yahoo!!! It seems like we have been on this trip forever because everything has become so familiar and routine – just like our life at home. On the other hand, it is going so fast, yet so much has happened. I wonder if I will be happy or sad, or maybe both, when we pull into the driveway at home.

Today was a full day. I got up at 4:00 this morning. I know that is really early for me, but John is in charge of the alarm clock and wanted to beat the heat and storms. You know me, I’m not one to argue. So……….

You know how important the weather is while on this trip. Well, it has been a key part of many of our decisions today. First, we decided to arise early because of the heat and potential storms.

Second, we stopped at a Wepfer fleeting area to fill our water containers because we were concerned we may be stuck on the bank somewhere a couple of days before we can get to Memphis (there is some stormy weather forecasted to move in). We had been put in touch with the Wepfer folks by a friend of ours from back home. We had been told that the Lana D. (the boat at this location) would be standing by on channel 10. As we approached their location on the river, John hailed them on the radio and got an immediate response. It seems the boat was in slip, which was up the chute behind island 30 and they were expecting us. Right then we came upon the foot of an island so john checked the chart. This was island 30! Wow, we almost sailed right past them. A quick peak around the foot revealed the Lana D. slipped near the Bunge grainery that she was supporting, so we headed up the chute to meet her. Once we arrived, Gary and Trevor gave us a tour of the tow, (I couldn’t stay in the engine room very long. You know how I get when I am around gas fumes. Remember the trip to Florida that one time.)

Third, we made a mad dash to the bank when we saw threatening clouds and heard thunder. I’ll be honest, I was a little scared when I saw the wall of rain coming up the river toward us. When we got to the bank around the bend toward an island, we gathered our rain gear and snacks and found a log to sit on. You won’t believe this… We watched the rain pass down the main river, while the sun was shining on us. I think a lot of people are praying for us.

Fourth, a few miles down the river, we weren’t as lucky when it began to rain. Luckily, the rain was not accompanied by thunder or lightning, so we were safe – just wet. John decided to reach behind his seat and get his rain jacket. I decided to paddle through because I could see the end of the rain. I didn’t want to take the chance of tipping while trying to get my rain jacket for just a little squall. My shirt didn’t take long to dry once the sun came out.

Fifth, John chose a camping spot that would provide shade this afternoon and cover for any storms tomorrow. We may be staying here a couple of nights if the weather forecast doesn’t change.

That really is all I have to write about today. We will try to make it to Memphis tomorrow if the weather allows us.

Good night!

Thanks for following our adventure. For photos and videos of the events mentioned in this daily journal, check us out on Instagram @ separateboats.

Also, please continue to pray for and support our charity, The Fortress. Check out our “Charity Page” – you can donate using the Pay Pal button. Thank you.



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